Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Another Donation!

It is barely past 6am here. I just woke up to the FANTASTIC news that Uzima received another incredibly generous donation from one of my blog readers. Yay!!!! In honor of this event I want to thank you all for reading, I receive between 20 and 60 views on this blog on the average day. Your viewership and kindness motivates me to continue writing, even though it sometimes is the last thing I want to do at the end of the day. So truly, thank you all.
We have made an updated budget for Uzima needs. I will be posting this to my blog later today so that donors, big and small, can request specific causes that they want to donate to. Anywhere from buying a $5 chicken to support our chicken coop sustainability project, or supporting our radio network for 3 months ($900), which is our most active branch at the moment as it touches hundreds of listeners every week – we welcome donations of all sizes and shapes.
In the meantime, keep reading – thank you so much!!

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