My name is Alyssa Rose. I am 18 years old and am currently on the adventure of my life in Moshi Tanzania. I have chosen to uproot my life for a year by hopping off the academic treadmill to pursue my interest in anthropology and women’s studies. I am living in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania (the northernmost region). Here, I am working in a Christian subculture as a founding member to an organization called Uzima and as a staff member to a school system called New Life Foundation.
In my time here, I also plan to pursue personal studies. I am proactively learning Swahili to feed my interest in anthropological studies as it is one of the three official languages of the African continent. I also am embarking on a self-designed project that begins with the exploration and examination of women’s lives in this region. During my time here in Moshi, I plan to collect data through the form of stories and interviews during my time here – stories that will feed the next step of this expedition that for the time being I call Di*rt. An in depth description of the project and its progress will be logged on a separate page within this blog.
Dearest Alyssa Rose, It was so very, very nice being with you yesterday. You are truly remarkable, a shining loving jewel in most fortunate family. Love Always.....Grampa